Here are some examples translated into Slovak to show you what we mean: English You would use this in a sentence where you’re describing the night. Good is the adjective, while the night is the noun. Good night rather is comprised of an adjective and a noun. Goodnight is considered to be like other greetings, like good morning or goodbye. Goodnight ( Dobrú noc) and good night ( dobre noc) are often confused which one should you use? Well, if you’re wishing someone off at night, then you would use goodnight, which is a single word. The Difference Between Goodnight and Good Night Translations and pronunciations will help you learn to speak Slovak better. There will also be common ways to wish anyone, in particular, a good night with a regular run-of-the-mill saying such as good evening or goodnight. You probably wouldn’t wish a relative stranger goodnight by saying, “I’ll be dreaming of you,” would you? Well, maybe you would if you felt a romantic spark! Some of these are obviously ways to wish children goodnight, while others are clearly meant for lovers or partners. In this lesson, we’ll cover a bunch of different ways to wish someone goodnight in Slovak. Just like in most cultures, it’s polite to say at the end of the night, and if someone says it to you, it’s polite to reply with the same or similar expressions.
The Slovak language is no different, and you’ll definitely want to learn how to say goodnight in Slovak when you are visiting the country. Wishing someone ‘Goodnight’ is one of those common phrases that pretty well every culture has in some form or another.